Davidoff Cigarettes
Davidoff is a popular German brand of high-end tobacco products (mainly cigars and cigarettes), produced by Imperial Tobacco following its purchase of Reemtsma Cigarettenfabriken GmbH).
The tobacco products are produced under licence of Davifoff & Cie, founded by Zino Davidoff and based in Geneva, Switzerland. The company also produces a line of high-end perfume, coffee, and fashion accessories.
In some countries, several varieties of vodka are also produced or sold under the brand.
The cigarette line includes the standard "classic", "mild", "Lights/Gold", "ultra lights" and "menthol" flavours, as well as the more expensive rich "Magnum" flavour. Due to legal issues, the sale of Davidoff cigarettes is prohibited in the United States, however they can still be ordered from discount cigarette merchants on the Internet.