The Cohiba cigar brand, introduced in 1968, became quickly very famous among the smokers of Cuban cigars and those
interested in this type of industry. From the very beginning, Cohiba cigars where developed as medium bodied cigars
for presentation only by the authorities of the Cuban government. In 1982, Cohiba was finally brought to the market
and it was by then the most coveted cigar in the world.
For the manufacture of Cohiba cigars is used quite a special tobacco, grown at full length only in certain selected
fine plantations in the Vuelta Abajo, in the province of Pinar del Rio.
The initial sizes were the Lancero, the Corona Especiale and the Panetela. The Esplendido, Robusto and Exquisito
where added in 1989 and the Siglo series where introduced on the market in 1992. All the Cohiba series were originally
manufactured in the El Laguito factory in Havana, but their production is now in the Fernando Perez German factory as well.