H. Upmann cigar brand made its appearance on October 15th, 1844. Its creators, Hermann and August Hupmann began using specially imprinted boxes of cigars as promotional items for their banking firm. The popularity of this cigar brand has far exceeded the expectations; therefore H. Upmann continues to be produced up to this day.
H. Upmann brand was awarded with seven gold medals in seven international exhibitions between 1862 and 1893; these awards still decorate the lithographed interior of the box today. In 1922, the cigar brand was sold to the British firm of J. Frankau and finally in 1935 to Menendez, Garcia & Cia., prior to nationalization, continues today in the H. Upmann factory, known today as Jose Marti.
H. Upmann is a well-know cigar brand among smokers who are fond of very strong tobacco. Its wrapper, darker than in other brands, stresses its flavor and fragrance, giving it a sweet and spicy note. They were very successful in the last century in Germany where these cigars were served on silver salver. Nowadays, H. Upmann is a most cherished cigar brand in England.