Backwoods Cigars
Backwoods cigars were introduced in USA by Altadis in 1981 and were an immediate success. Their unique structure and look -"WILD & MILD" as it was called, with a frayed end, tapered body and unfinished head attracted cigar smokers.
Smokers identified the cigar's image with the cowboy smoke from America's Wild West. The rustically designed airtight foil pouch, added to that looks and, importantly maintained the cigar's high moisture level.
Backwoods unique style, taste, aroma and package have made them the number one selling cigar among all natural cigars in the world.
BACKWOODS BLACK&SWEET CIGARS, BACKWOODS CIGARS, BACKWOODS HONEY CIGARS, BACKWOODS HONEY BERRY CIGARS, BACKWOODS SWEET AROMATIC CIGARS are available at discount prices from our online cigarettes shop for immediate shipment. Our BACKWOODS cigars are delivered fresh discount cigarettes to your door.