Davidoff cigarettes
Davidoff is a popular brand of high-end tobacco products, including cigars, cigarettes, and pipe tobaccos. Davidoff cigarettes are produced in Germany. The cigarettes Davidoff were started in 1986 by the German company Reemtsma. They were called by their creator's name Zino Davidoff. Nowadays these cigarettes are represented by the American blend of Premium tobacco (Virginia, Oriental and Burley), that is, a mixture of an American and Asia tobaccos of the highest quality.
The Davidoff cigarettes are distinguished by the following parameters:
1. An exceptional length of cigarette - 93 mm. It gives to the smoker an advantage to enjoy more delicate taste longer due to a unique length of cigarette and composition of a premium tobacco. The best sorts of tobacco, selected from all parts of the world solicitously by the experts, are used in Davidoff cigarettes manufacturing.
2. Original Form of the Pack. It has an octagonal form that marks Davidoff cigarettes among all the other cigarettes. An octagonal form is chosen because exactly this form cares for safety of cigarettes best of all.
3. Foil. Fresh air is an enemy of cigarettes. That's why the tobacco company elaborated a special inner foil that lets maintain an essential medium for freshness and taste of tobacco keeping, giving an extraordinary pleasure while smoking.
4. Filter. The filter in Davidoff cigarette is a part of the air circulation. Now as the filter of it is also longer than the other cigarettes' one, the air quenches stronger, that keeps and lets feel each nuance of cigarettes' tobacco.