Copenhagen Cigars
Copenhagen is a smokeless tobacco manufactured by the U.S. Smokeless Tobacco Company. It is a leading producer of the U.S. tobacco industry of the moist smokeless tobacco.
Brand Copenhagen, launched in 1822, was the first-ever brand of moist smokeless tobacco on the market, and today remains the most authentic and best-selling product in the category. Its loyal adult consumers have come to expect Copenhagen's high quality and unique taste. The product is also known for freshness, with a "made date" stamped on the bottom of every can, and for such distinguishing features as its traditional metal lid and fiberboard can. It is the brand of choice for adult consumers who identify with its rugged, individual and uncompromising image.
Copenhagen's authentic natural tobacco flavor is available in original fine cut and long cut. The same legendary quality can also be found in Copenhagen Black, a bourbon-flavored mid-cut, and in Copenhagen Long Cut.
Copenhagen Pouches, launched in 2002, offer rich, premium-quality tobacco in moist pouches that are three times the size of the leading pouch product, enabling adult consumers to enjoy authentic Copenhagen in a way that is neat, convenient and satisfying.